trademark services

Trademark Services

Do you have an idea or product formulary that is outstanding? It is a concept or proprietary blend that is a game changer. You even have the product in private label production, but your competition is getting curious. Newtropin has the complete business side of your product lines covered. Physicians are often asked if they had exposure to education on the business side of operating a practice during their rigorous academic schedules and the answers are usually a resounding, “very little or not at all.” The good news is you can leave the business to us and get back to focusing on high-quality patient care and outcomes. Newtropin has the full scope of supplement line product development and lifecycle covered for your practice. Our team is integrated with experts in the supplement industry that can take your vision from concept to trademark application, and every step in between. When your product is developed and ready for distribution, the challenging task of branding is necessary. Thankfully, we are connected to a team of digital artists that can design your product labeling. From there, we have an in-house research & development team that customizes evidence-based literature as part of your product marketing package. But wait, there is more…. For a handful of revolutionary concepts, added protections are not only desirable, but necessary to protect future earnings potential. Newtropin works with a network of attorneys and consultants that specialize in the patent and trademark application process. These experts can help your practice navigate everything from patent searches to proper filing processes. Protection is the greatest peace of mind and Newtropin has the connections to support your growing business. Newtropin is not an attorney and does not directly provide any paid legal advice. We offer attorney and consultant paid marketing services.
